The first critical piece of data to collect is the output file generated from the/ usr/ bin/ vm-support script. 要搜集的第一部分关键数据是由/usr/bin/vm-support脚本产生的输出文件。
For any piece of software, the ability to short-circuit a user's learning curve is critical to the adoption and success of that piece of software. 无论对于哪一种软件来说,缩短用户学习曲线的能力对于该软件的推广及其能否取得成功都是至关重要的。
The broker is optional in the base pattern but is often a critical piece in enterprise systems. 在基本模式中代理是可选的但是在企业系统中经常是关键性部件。
Before you give this a try, you will need to do one critical piece of configuration to your Web server. 在进行上述测试之前,您需要对您的Web服务器进行一些关键配置。
POSIX provides the mutex function to create critical sections that enforce exclusive access to an object ( a piece of memory) by a single thread. POSIX提供了互斥函数来创建临界区,用于实施单线程对对象(一块内存)的独占访问。
Monitoring data sources is a critical piece of an overall monitoring plan. 监控数据源是整个监控计划中的关键环节。
That dynamic is, if you want to talk about what sets the companies apart, that's a critical piece in terms of what distinguishes them. 要说是什么将一个公司与其他公司区别开来,这种动力就是非常关键的一个因素。
The critical piece is the review. 关键在于评审。
Transitivity Analysis and Critical Reading& A Sample Analysis of a Reading Text; I memorize that has read this piece of essay. 及物性分析与批评性阅读&以一篇阅读理解文章为例(英文)我记得读过这篇文章。
WSSF, a critical piece of its Web Services strategy, enables the development of WCF services following a WSDL-first approach. WSSF作为Web服务战略的一个关键组成部分,允许WCF服务的开发能够遵循WSDL优先的方法。
Another critical piece of infrastructure is Cascading; an excellent layer on top of Hadoop that adds additional abstraction and functionality. 基础设施的另一个关键部件是Cascading;在Hadoop上非常棒的一层,其增加了附加抽象概念和功能。
The coming on-board of Derek Fisher was a critical piece in the puzzle. 费舍尔的到来是构成拼图的关键一步。
I looked around through my most critical eye for just the right piece to put in the new apartment I was going to rent. 我用我那双非常挑剔的眼睛四周张望,想找一张合适的画挂在我将要租的新公寓里。
My recommendation is to include SOA governance as a critical piece of your SOA roadmap. 我建议,将SOA治理作为关键环节包含到你的SOA路线图里。
It seems that few employees know how to take criticism constructively. it's only too easy to misinterpret a critical comment about a piece of work as a personal attack. 看来很少有公司雇员懂得如何建设性地接受批评意见。对于一项工作的批评太容易被误解为人身攻击了。
Time Synchronization is a critical piece of infrastructure for any distributed system. 时间同步是分布式系统实现的重要前提。
Passenger ticket printer is a critical piece of equipment in railway ticket selling system. 客票制票机是铁路售票系统的关键设备,被列入国家重大科技攻关项目。
Time synchronization is a critical piece of infrastructure in any distributed system, but wireless sensor networks make particularly extensive use of synchronized time. Almost any form of sensor data fusion or coordinated actuation requires synchronized physical time for reasoning about events in the physical world. 时间同步作为分布式系统中的一项关键技术,在大多数使用无线传感器网络的应用中都有需要,如:传感器的数据融合技术需要时间同步来判断事件在物理世界发生的时间。
Satellite attitude is a critical piece of information in any space mission, and its accuracy is the key factor for the performance of the attitude control system ( ACS). 卫星姿态信息是影响整个姿态控制系统性能的重要因素。